02 February 2012

Welcome to the golden hamster

These days, more and more people live in smaller and smaller dwellings. While many of us still would like to have an animal companion, many think this isn't an option, because animals take up space, and need care and attention, and are often generally destructive, something that has become rather important and difficult to ignore since we have started filling our dwellings with delicate electronics.

Take heart! All is not lost. You really do not need to rent an entire floor of an apartment building to be able to enjoy an animal companion. This is what we have the so-called pocket-pet category for, and while a hamster might not be the ideal animal to travel in your pocket if you'd like to keep it from springing holes, hamsters have other qualities that make them into ideal pets for many of us.

On these pages, I will introduce you to my three hamsters (so far) who they were -and are- what was special about them and more.

I will also talk about what to expect from a hamster, and what not, about practical stuff that is good to know for hamster owners, and about what science tells us about them.

Please enjoy the site while I am building it up.

Thank you for coming by!

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